# Slashlib a library for using slashdot from perl programs # Code contributed by most of the regulars on sid=slashcode # Things to do.... # Make this into a proper perl module # Provide POD documentation # Think up more aubroutines to add...userinfo, search, $slashdot = 'http://slashdot.org/'; $sidref = 'comments.pl?threshold=-1&mode=nested&commentsort=1&sid='; $user_agent = "Slashlib 0.2"; # sd_articles: return a list of recent Slashdot article sids sub sd_articles { my ($source, @articles); $source = shift || "comments.pl"; my $out=geturl($slashdot.$source,$slashdot); while($out =~ m/article\.pl\?sid=([^">]+)/g){ push @articles, $1; } return @articles; } # Return SID at top of slashdot.org sub sd_current_sid{ my $out=get_url("$slashdot"); $out =~ /sid=(.*?)">Read/i; return $1; } # Return moderation totals on post sub sd_mods { my $sid = shift; my $cid = shift; my $out=geturl($slashdot.$sidref.escape($sid)."\&cid=$cid",$slashdot); if ($out =~ m#Totals:([^<]+)#) { return $1; } } # Return information about a sid sub sd_sidinfo { my ($sid) = shift; my ($i, %counts); my $out=geturl($slashdot.$sidref.$sid ,$slashdot); $out=~ m/Threshold: